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Cereal and milk remain a Canadian favourite

Sweetened with sugar or fabulous with fruit, cereal with milk remains the number one choice for Canadian breakfasts. In fact, according to a recent survey from Kellogg’s, 78 percent of Canadians who have cereal for breakfast think cereal and milk are practically inseparable.

“Eating cereal with milk has been a breakfast staple for decades,” says Susan Gatchell, Associate Director of Nutrition at Kellogg Canada Inc.

“There are a lot of misconceptions about cereal, but when you look at the facts, the truth is that cereal and milk is a nutritious option.” More than 25 percent of Canadian cereal eaters say that eating cereal and milk in the morning leaves them feeling energized for the day.

Boy with cereal - cereal and milk remain a canadian favourite

But when it comes to how to combine these two favourites, Canadians are a bit particular:

  • 40% of respondents say that one third of the bowl should be filled with milk.
  • 30% maintained that you should add milk only until the cereal begins to float.
  • 83% said they crave their cereal crunchy.
  • 17% like their cereal soggy!


Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, October 2014.

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