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7 Questions Pregnant Parents Constantly Google

Pregnancy Questions

We know what’s on your mind but give those googling thumbs a break. We took the liberty of providing you with the answers you’re looking for to some of the most commonly asked pregnancy questions. Spoiler alert: There are two poop questions and one about sex. You’re welcome. 

“Do I need to eat for two?”

No, you don’t need to double your meals. According to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, you need to up your calories in only in your second and third trimesters (an extra 340 calories each day in second trimester, and 450 calories per day in third). You can easily meet the requirement by adding a snack or two—have a piece of fruit, yogurt, cheese, a piece of toast or something else you’re craving. 

“Why is my partner ticking me off?”

We understand. Pregnant folks are super hormonal and that can certainly affect our emotions, making us irritable, impatient, easily aggravated, livid…you get the idea. Try not to be hard on yourself (or your partner). Psychologists recommend making time for self-care and if you feel your better half isn’t being as supportive as you need, share your feelings using as many rude polite words as you can muster. 

“How can I relieve constipation?”

Yeah, pooping isn’t always easy when you’re expecting—many women suffer from constipation. (It’s pretty crappy, pun intended.) Your best bet is to amp up your fluids (water is your BFF; prune juice also helps), increase your fibre intake and add an extra walk or more movement into your days. Your healthcare provider can recommend a stool softener, too. 

“Will I poop during labour?”

Ah, another poop question. The answer to this question is most likely, yes. And no one—we’re not kidding, no one—will bat an eye. Your doctor doesn’t care. Your nurses don’t care. And your partner and anyone else in the room won’t even notice. Nurses are like ninjas—you’ll be cleaned up in seconds.  

“What can I do about swollen ankles?”

Cankles are highly unpleasant. Swollen ankles are normal (and annoying), and they’re caused by a few things your body is dealing with when you’re pregnant, including extra fluid retention. Try not to stand for long periods, get into a swimming pool (walking in the water or doing laps can help), wear loose clothing, elevate your legs in bed and sleep on your left side. It’s uncomfortable now but it won’t last—your ankles (and feet) will return to their usual size after you deliver.  

“How big is my baby now?”

Seeds, nuts, pieces of fruit—we all love making these comparisons when it comes to our growing babies. Most parents are interested in knowing what’s happening each week, but here’s a quick glance: At four weeks pregnant, your wee one is the size of a poppy seed; week eight, a raspberry; 12 weeks, a lime; 16 weeks, an avocado; 20 weeks, the length of a banana; 27 weeks, a head of cauliflower; 33 weeks, a pineapple; 39 weeks, a small watermelon; 40 weeks, a small pumpkin.

“Can my baby feel us when we’re having sex?”

Nah, you’re good. Get busy. Enjoy. Babies can’t feel a thing—they’re protected in amniotic fluid up in your uterus. Do it whenever you want, as long as your healthcare provider has given you the green light. (Some women are told to hold off at certain points of their pregnancies if they’re high risk.) 

a man carrying two children

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