Since 1910, Girl Guides of Canada has been a mainstay in the lives of girls and young women. The program—in every iteration—has strived to empower and encourage girls, by exposing them to new opportunities, by helping them to build new skillsets, and by providing a safe space to make mistakes. The role models provided by Girl Guides are also unparalleled, as the organization is led by strong, passionate women who are helping to nurture the next generation of female leaders. Read on to learn more about how Girl Guides makes a difference every day.

Not Just Another Extracurricular - Parents Canada
Sponsored Not Just Another Extracurricular – How Girl Guides Empowers Young Girls

Girl Guides is so much more than just another activity on the calendar. Starting at age five, girls can join the millions of young women who have come

Not Just Another Extracurricular - Parents Canada
Preschool 3 proven ways to set your daughter up for success

With Girl Guides as your partner, you can help your daughter to grow up strong and confident, with a mindset to succeed.

Not Just Another Extracurricular - Parents Canada
School How Girl Guides of Canada Helps Girls to Learn, Grow and Connect

For more than 100 years, Girl Guides has been helping girls ages five to 17 to develop new skills, build their confidence and make lifelong friendship

Here’s Why Stem Needs Girls - Parents Canada
School Here’s why STEM needs girls

It’s 2018 and science, technology, engineering and math fields are still dominated by men. So why are Canadian girls and women still underrepresente

Here’s Why Stem Needs Girls - Parents Canada
Family Life 14 Books with Strong Female Leads

Strong female leads are important and there’s no reason not to pack your home with books about girl power. Check out a few of our fave titles.

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Since 1910, Girl Guides of Canada has been a mainstay in the lives of girls and young women. The program—in every iteration—has strived to empower and encourage girls, by exposing them to new opportunities, by helping them to build new skillsets, and by providing a safe space to make mistakes. The role models provided by Girl Guides are also unparalleled, as the organization is led by strong, passionate women who are helping to nurture the next generation of female leaders. Read on to learn more about how Girl Guides makes a difference every day.


Fun & friendship are waiting for her at Girl Guides.

Girl Guides is a place where girls can discover fun activities together with friends. From scavenger hunts and science experiments to sharing new dance moves and exploring her community, she can try whatever it is that sounds fun to her at Girl Guides.

Not Just Another Extracurricular – How Girl Guides Empowers Young Girls

Girl Guides is so much more than just another activity on the calendar. Starting at age five, girls can join the millions of young women who have come before them to learn, grow, make friends, get support and so much more.

3 proven ways to set your daughter up for success

With Girl Guides as your partner, you can help your daughter to grow up strong and confident, with a mindset to succeed.

How Girl Guides of Canada Helps Girls to Learn, Grow and Connect

For more than 100 years, Girl Guides has been helping girls ages five to 17 to develop new skills, build their confidence and make lifelong friendships.

Here’s why STEM needs girls

It’s 2018 and science, technology, engineering and math fields are still dominated by men. So why are Canadian girls and women still underrepresented in STEM?

14 Books with Strong Female Leads

Strong female leads are important and there’s no reason not to pack your home with books about girl power. Check out a few of our fave titles.

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