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Q&A with mom-to-be Trish Stratus

Trish Stratus has had many jobs: professional WWE wrestler, model, actress, fitness guru and entrepreneur. Now, this 37-year-old Canadian takes on her most important job title ever: Mom. Here, Trish shares her thoughts on pregnancy, fitness and her love of sashimi.

Q: What are the best/worst parts about being pregnant?

A: I’ve been very lucky and have had a great pregnancy. The fact that my body is housing a little human being still blows my mind. I actually think I’m going to miss being pregnant, having him here with me every minute of the day and to feel his movements. Of course, having him in my arms will most likely trump that feeling! The worst part? Nothing!

Q: Describe your diet/eating style. How do you make sure baby is getting everything he needs?

A: I became a little obsessive over researching the nutrient needs of a baby in the beginning. The first few months, I would Google “food and pregnancy” every time I ate something and started a go-to list that has become my nutritional bible. I eat pretty clean as it is, but I’m loving the challenge of creating meals based on the daily nutrients that I require rather than just on taste. I open my fridge and look in thinking, “OK, we need some vitamin C, some folate and iron today”.

Q: You are very fit. What is your fitness routine like during pregnancy?

A: At the beginning of the year, I had just found out I was pregnant and the next day I got a call from WWE that they wanted to induct me into the WWE Hall of Fame in April. Since I would be four months pregnant, I decided to publicly announce my pregnancy at the end of my speech (did the ‘Beyonce-esque’ reveal and everything!). Ladies who have been preggo know all about that awkward, not-quite-showing, a-little-frumpy thing that happens for the first few months. I couldn’t help thinking that if I’m going to walk on stage in front of 20,000 people at Madison Square Garden and have this broadcast to millions of people all over the world, I want to look decent, especially with the fact that I’m making my announcement at the end and there would may be a few people thinking I had really let myself go! So, I gave myself a little challenge of doing 100 squats everyday, thinking that even if I had to slow down my workouts, this is a great bodyweight exercise that also gives a little cardio boost. To this day, at nine months pregnant, I have done 100 squats everyday since I started. I think that’s over 15,000 squats! As far as my regular fitness routine goes, I decided I was going to keep up my regular training until I felt that I couldn’t anymore. And, throughout I have maintained my same routine that consists of Stratusphere. Yoga, which is a style I developed that incorporates strength training movements into a yoga flow. This has allowed me to maintain my muscle tone. And I have tweaked the yoga slightly to include more prenatal poses, specifically hip-opening poses. 

Q: What advice can you give expectant women about exercising during pregnancy?

A: If you are planning on becoming pregnant, I recommend getting into a fitness routine so that it is easier to continue while you are pregnant. And, if you didn’t workout before, it’s not too late to start. Speak to your doctor or midwife about it first, of course. Listen to your body. Your body will tell you if what you are doing is too much. I truly believe the lack of symptoms I have experienced all stems from the fact that I am still active. If you look at the symptoms, many of them can be remedied with physical activity. I like to think I’m in training for my labour and that has helped me keep up my exercise routine. Plus, on the vanity side of things, you will gain weight, so if you can do something to control not only how fast the weight comes on, but where it decides to accumulate, why not?

Q: You found out the sex of the baby. Some people want it to be a surprise. Why did you choose to find out?

A: The moment I found out I was having a boy was when I really began to bond with my baby. We then named him, so when we spoke to him we called him “Max” rather than “baby”. When we spoke about the baby we could now say “he” rather than “it”. I also started to visualize him and see him in my sleep. I could see him as he grew up from a little baby boy to a boy to a young man. And maybe more importantly, it helped Daddy connect with the baby. As women, we get to experience the baby’s growth and the movements and that helps us bond, but daddy doesn’t get that. So, I felt that giving dad another piece of the puzzle helped him see that bigger picture.

Q: What is your birth plan?

A: I am planning on a natural birth. Of course, I realize sometimes things don’t go as planned and so I have told my midwife I will remain open-minded for whatever needs to be done for the health of my baby. But, I am going in fully confident that I can handle this. I know that my body was designed to do this, and I am completely ready for the challenge of labour and delivery – and completely ready to conquer it!

Q: What are you most nervous about when it comes to bringing Max home?

A: Maybe about finding my balance with mommy-hood and work. As an entrepreneur, there really are no ‘off’ days and as a business owner you’re mind is always on the business. I’m pretty confident that I will find that happy medium. Thankfully I have a fantastic team in place at my yoga studio and offices that will be on work duty while I’m on diaper duty!

Q: What are you looking forward to most, post-pregnancy?

A: Being a mom! And embarking on this new journey with my baby and my husband… and sashimi. And doing pull-ups again.

Q: What advice can you give to expectant women, now that you’ve been through it?

A: I cannot stress enough the importance of eating well and exercising throughout your pregnancy. You have total control to create an environment that is nourishing for your baby. Be as educated as you can about the whole process. It helps when you know what to expect and it will allow you to cope with all of it better. Also, consider a midwife. It’s like having a friend who’s been through it all with you for your whole pregnancy. I promise you will never leave a midwife appointment with a question unanswered. Lastly, recognize how lucky we are as women that we are able to not only bring a baby into this world, but that our bodies can create and grow a human being. Anytime you are not feeling great, think about this and know it is all worth it!

a man carrying two children

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