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Balancing motherhood with The Social host Cynthia Loyst

Cynthia Loyst has a lot of balls in the air. The relationship expert and new mom to son Jaya is taking on another exciting challenge as co-host of the new daytime talkshow, The Social, airing on CTV.

The Social, which she describes as akin to what would happen “if the women of  Sex and the City got their own talk show,” will give viewers a chance to weigh-in in real time on the topics of the day. So just how will Cynthia balance motherhood and the demands of being a TV personality?

“My Medela Pump in Style has been a lifesaver! I made the decision to breastfeed, so I started pumping early and giving Jaya a bottle so that when I go back to work, his dad or caregiver can feed him breastmilk. That was really important to me. I also trust my partner implicitly to do a great job while I’m working, and we were sure to choose a caregiver who we think will be wonderful. Making sure that your baby is cared for, loved and safe in your absence is every working mom’s concern. I’ve also had to give up on the guilt. Whether you are a working mom or stay-at-home mom, it’s important to do what makes sense for your life and know that’s what is best for your baby. In the meantime, I’m savouring every moment with Jaya and appreciating everything. I’m so in love with my baby it’s insane. I’ve never experienced this type of love before. It’s crazy.”

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, November 2013.

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