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Erica Durance balances parenting in two cities

Erica Durance - Parents Canada

Actor Erica Durance is mom to David, 17, Lochlan, 18 months, and number three (also a boy) is due this December. She and husband David divide their time between Vancouver and Toronto, where her hit show Saving Hope  just finished shooting its fifth season (airing on CTV in 2017).

“I think it’s important for any woman who is working while pregnant or being a mother to maintain a strong support system with your partner, which I am very fortunate to have in my husband. His support allows me to work as both an actress and a mother. With every child we are evolving as people and as parents. It’s fascinating to me and actually makes me better at my job.

When I’m shooting, Lochlan comes to Toronto with me, but David stays in Vancouver for school. So it’s a bit tough. We’re constantly communicating how we’re feeling about things. You give independence to your kids, they try some things, some things work, some things you need to adjust. It’s natural progression as a teenager that you want to spread your wings and you realize that your parents DO have other things in their lives. I’ve seen kids who are stressed because their parents DON’T have anything else in their lives other than the kids.

One of the biggest struggles with this job is that I wear a lot of hats. If I’m not filming I’m in the writing room, if I’m not writing I’m talking to the other producers. I’ve also started directing. On average my days are 12 to 14 hours. I may have a couple of days off a week so I try to spend time with my son and also take those moments for myself, instead of trying to be everything to everyone. I take a walk or go for a run on the treadmill. It helps me be a happier, more patient mother.”

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, Nov/Dec 2016.

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