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Nia Vardalos on how to stay healthy while parenting

Nia Vardalos
(My Big Fat Greek
) is no
stranger to hard
work and hectic
schedules. But when
she and husband
Ian Gomez
adopted a
daughter in 2008,
motherhood really
tested her stamina.
How does she stay

Before I shot My Life in Ruins, I was just not feeling well. I had to make some changes.
I lost weight, but losing weight is not the answer to everything. Then I became a mom,
and that’s when I really saw it.

In order to keep up with my daughter, I needed to make some changes. Adding vitamin
supplements – along with eating a healthy diet and exercising – led me to feel better and
sleep better.

Unlike many actresses, I do not have a fitness trainer or nutritionist. I just rely on
my doctor and advice I get from other people. If I responded to any pressure whatsoever
from Hollywood, I would have had a boob job and a nose job b y now!
– As told to Julie M. Green

Nia is a spokesperson for Life…Supplemented
(lifesupplemented.org) and author of the recently
published Instant Mom, a memoir of motherhood.

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, May/June 2013.

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