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Scott Foley on raising kids and pets

Scott Foley On Raising Kids & Pets - Parents Canada

You’ll recognize him from critically acclaimed shows like Felicity and The Unit, but did you know that TV’s Scott Foley was also a huge animal lover? Scott and his family (wife – Marika Domińczyk, daughter Marley and son Keller) welcomed their dog Frankie into their home in the fall of 2014. We recently caught up with the Scandal star in New York City to talk first-hand about the loving nature a rescue dog can bring to the family home.

“As a pet parent I’m a huge pet advocate and I’m happy to lend my voice to the Swiffer/ Barkbox campaign and encourage pet adoption. One of the most important things I want parents to know is that pet adoption can be a wonderful bonding experience for the whole family. The pets your family will adopt will show you the most unconditional loyalty and love; they’re just so grateful to have a good home.

I’ve always been a big believe in pet rescue – I think it’s such a rewarding experience for the whole family. We adopted Frankie about a year ago, and we’ve had such a great experience with her that we’re thinking of adopting another one soon.

The kids absolutely love Frankie. I’ve often said Frankie “chose” us, but my daughter is the one who named her. To this day we have no idea why ‘Frankie’, but she’s just become a member of our family that I can’t imagine my kids’ lives without her. Frankie has taught my kids about responsibility and companionship. Frankie gets them out of the house more, so they’d rather play outside with her than watch TV which great. They’re such active kids and Frankie is a huge part of that reason.

Does that mean she’s never made a mess? Of course not! She chewed up and spat out one of my son’s action figures a while back, and guess who was on his hands and knees cleaning it up? Me. Thankfully Swiffer helped with that, but no matter the messes she gets into Frankie is family.”

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