Family Life
4 min Read
Teaching kids to budget money
April 25, 2013
Family Life
4 min Read
April 25, 2013
Despite how many years children spend in school, most children are not taught about how to budget money, which is ironic since the ability to manage money is an essential life skill. Many well-meaning parents and teachers appear to overlook this essential lesson, despite teaching children almost everything else they can about how to deal with life when they grow up.
When it comes to teaching children about money there are seven essential principles children should learn.
Parents should teach money skills until they become second nature and set a personal example.
6 to 12-year-olds
Younger children need to learn the relationship between money and work. They often do not see this relationship and even believe that money comes straight from the ATM machine and all a parent has to do to get money that they need is go to the machine. One way a parent can show a young child that money is the result of services rendered is to create a payment system based on chores.
Once children learn how to earn money, the next lesson is learning how to save, share and spend it. Elmo, the Muppet on Sesame Street, has an interesting lesson called “the three jars.” This is an excellent way to allocate money for saving, sharing and spending.
Teenagers should be taught a number of financial skills, including how to
Teaching children about how to budget is like teaching them any life skill. Teaching should occur at the level that they can comprehend. Moreover, as children grow up, the sophistication of their money lessons can be increased. Curiously enough, not teaching children about how to manage money is common through different demographic and social groups in both developed and undeveloped countries. The result of this lapse in education is fairly obvious in everyday life because many adults, who appear to be quite capable in most things, live well above their means and are constantly try to figure out how to make ends meet. Imagine how different things would have been, if a thoughtful parent or kindly teacher had taken them aside and taught them how to manage their money.
Teaching kids to budget money was originally posted by Our Kids is Canada’s trusted source for information on private schools and summer camps.