Family Life


4 min Read

Two minutes to balance

We are always trying to find our balance.  Balance is kind of a word that we use a lot – as parents, we are either always in search of balance, or struggling to maintain what we see as our balance. I personally don’t think balance can exist all the time, but instead, we discover ways to incorporate moments of balance in our lives.

I think parents are always in a state of balance searching. How do we work and ensure our kids are getting the best of our time? How do we stay at home with the kids but still find other passions that fulfill us? How do I balance being a parent and a partner to my spouse?

To me, finding balance isn’t about the day or weeks taken as a whole. They are about those few moments taken each and every day, where we can find some peace, calm and isolate a way to reconnect with our own selves.

It took me years to give myself permission to take time for myself. I had all the support in the world from family, friends and especially my husband when the kids first came along, and yet, convincing myself that it was perfectly okay (and at times crucial) to enjoy a few moments alone was difficult.

Fast forward to now and I have no problem enjoying those moments.  I have recognized over the years just how essential they are for my own well-being. I find a hot bubble bath or cuddling up with a good book very rewarding. And my balance doesn’t always mean I want to fly solo. Sometimes the balance is about less work or screen time for me, and more time outside with the kids. Or maybe it’s about Andy and I sitting on the couch and recapping our week together as a couple. Balance isn’t one-size-fits all. We each create our own.

One of my favourite ways to find those couple of minutes to myself is with a cup of tea. Andy was the one who was the tea drinker first, but it’s a ritual I have completely gotten on board with. In the afternoon or evening especially, I love sitting down with a hot cup of tea and just pausing. Sometimes I fall into old habits and bring the mug to my computer to get more work done, but on days when I am really present, and aware that I need a mental break, I pour a steaming cup and just sit. It takes barely two minutes to wait for the water to boil, get my cup ready and head to the couch.

I have really been enjoying these new Tetley Ayurvedic Balance Teas – each one has been carefully and expertly created with balance in mind.

Here’s some info from Tetley:

“Tetley Ayurvedic Balance teas were inspired by Ayurveda, a 5,000 year old system of knowledge, which teaches that balancing of the mind, body and spirit is essential for holistic well-being. Working with Ayurvedic experts, our blends were lovingly crafted to address the needs for balance at all stages of our lives.”

What are the different teas, and how have I been enjoying them?

Poise-Vata is a calming tea for when you are worried or feeling scattered (guess which one I’ve been drinking the most of lately!).

Cool-Pitta is meant to help cool you if you are feeling overheated (spoiler alert: there’s definitely a certain time during the month when I think this will help me!)

Vigour-Kapha is to help when you are feeling sluggish. (As I write this post, I am enjoying a cup of Vigour-Kapha because I stayed up late reading last night!  See, this is how I balance!)

It’s not always easy, especially this time of year, to discover our balance and to hold onto it; to make sure that we are feeling well-rounded, in our activities and in our spirit. However, once we find it, only for a few moments, it’s a rewarding feeling.

For more information about the teas and their ingredients visit the Tetley website.

Sponsored by Tetley Tea.
Learn more about Tetley Ayurvedic Balance Teas and how you can find your balance at

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