It’s almost time for your kids to get their backpacks on and make the trek back to school. But hey, school is a pretty awesome place to be. ParentsCanada partnered with with Neil Pasricha, author of The Book of Awesome! and, to bring you the little joys school brings.
- Kindergarten Class Photos: [photos in post] Awesome!
- All the things you learned in third grade: It seems like a lot of things we learned in college, we’ve forgotten now. However, all that awesome stuff you learned in third grade? You still know it all.
- Being in the oldest grade in school: You’ve paid your dues and now it’s time to reach the awesome top of the ladder, before you slide back down to a bottom rung in the next phase of life.
- When one of your paintings or school tests makes it onto the fridge: You’ve gotten that A or A+, but what makes it extra awesome is getting on that coveted spot on the fridge.
- Getting a good locker in high school: Even at that age, it’s all about location, location, location! You know you’ll run home beaming about your awesome new locker space!
- When someone decorates your locker for your birthday: Sometimes it can be a bummer to spend your birthday in school, but not when your friends make you realize how awesome and appreciated you are!
- Bad school photo trends: Are you hiding that yearbook because of a bad fashion choice or crazy hairstyle? Don’t bother, we’ve all been there. Get those photos out and celebrate how awesome you were then!
- Elementary school science fairs: When did those kids get so smart? The projects are awesome!
- School field trip day: It’s a day off without skipping school. No one’s calling in sick on this awesome day.
- When you’re awkwardly standing by yourself with a full cafeteria tray of food and then suddenly spot your friend waving at you: You’ve almost lost all hope and then you see that awesome friendly wave.