

3 min Read

7 Back-To-School-Themed Books

a man and a baby lying in bed

The return to the classroom is here once again. Some kids may be wanting to hang onto summer a little while longer, which is fair. To help with first-week nerves, we rounded up some fun back-to-school-themed books to get your kids excited about going back to class.

Book cover called The Day You Begin with a child peering into a classroom

The Day You Begin 

A great book for kids who are anxious about starting a new school. This book reminds us that we all feel like outsiders sometimes, but encourages kids to find the courage to take those first steps into the unknown, you may just find you aren’t so different after all. $25,

Book cover of kids playing with the title I promise

I Promise 

This inspiring picture book by basketball legend Lebron James reminds us that tomorrow’s success starts with the promises we make to ourselves today. What promises will you make to yourself to be your very best self? $25,

Book cover with heavy purple details and kids of diversity playing

The World Needs More Purple Schools

A sequel to their best-selling The World Needs More Purple People, this book celebrates all that is special about diversity in our world, and especially in our classrooms. $25,

Book cover with two raccoons in the moonlight.

The Kissing Hand 

A longtime back-to-school favourite, The Kissing Hand is a great read to ease starting-school nerves for kids with separation anxiety. School is starting in the forest, but Chester Raccoon is nervous so Mrs. Raccoon kisses his paw, giving him reassurance that her love is always with him, even when things are a little scary. $16,

Book cover with cute illustrations of buildings

School’s First Day of School 

Written from the perspective of the school, this adorable book is a great read for kids who are a little nervous about their first day. In this book, no one is more nervous about the first day of school than School itself. Will the kids be nice? What sights and sounds will fill its classrooms and halls? School soon discovers it isn’t the only one with first-day jitters. $25,

book cover with a family all clamouring to attend school

Sorry Grown-ups, You Can’t Go to School 

Check out this hilarious book that will have kids and parents in stitches. Everyone wants to go to school, even Mom, Dad, Grandma and the dog. “Sorry, grown-ups. You can’t go to school!” This is a great night before school read that is sure to ease some first-day jitters. $12,

Book cover with a crowd of children and a teacher

How to Get Your Teacher Ready 

Kids have a lot of before-school prep. But what about teachers? This read is a terrific night-before-school read. Within the pages, students give tips to their teacher about how to prepare for various school milestones; from the first day of school to the holiday concert and field trips. $12,

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