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Comic Relief: Toddler Meltdowns

Comic Relief: Toddler Meltdowns - Parents Canada

When it comes to a full-blown meltdown, there are always two sides to every story.

I love cheese. When my mom was grating some, I snuck a couple of pieces, but it was crunchy and basically the worst cheese ever. -ARIA, 2

  • Aria sure was disappointed when she discovered I was grating carrot. -MINDY, MOM OF ARIA

When I sleep, I like it completely dark. It really is the only way to get a good night’s rest. My mom refused to turn out all the lights. -LORELAI, 2

  • Lorelai was wearing glow-in-the-dark pajamas. -ASHLEY, MOM OF LORELAI

The best part of toast and jam? Obviously the jam. But I turned away for one second and BOOM!…no jam anymore. The question is, who took it? I will go crazy until I uncover this mystery. -DAYNIAN, 2

  • His toast flipped upside-down. I turned it back over. Mystery solved. -KATRINA, MOM OF DAYNIAN

My mom is normally a great cook. I mean, really top notch. But today she served a lunch that was truly terrifying. I mean it really shook me up. These are tears of fear. -CALLUM, 3

  • Who knew that smiley-face fries were “too mean” to eat. Oops. -KERRY ANNE, MOM OF CALLUM

I’ll admit it: I am a neat freak. I enjoy cleaning and washing my hands. My mom seems to have a problem with this though. -ELIZABETH, 2

  • I’m happy she likes to be clean. I just don’t want her to wash her hands with toilet water. -STACI, MOM OF ELIZABETH

My parents are no fun. All I wanted to do was jump in a puddle, but my mom totally freaked out and my dad pulled me back before I could even get a toe in the water. -AYLA, 2

  • I was pregnant and my water broke. -JAYNE, MOM OF AYLA


Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, Summer 2017.

a man carrying two children

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