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Parenting advice from experienced moms

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We asked Parents Canada readers to submit their words of wisdom when it comes to parenting babies and toddlers.

How do you keep your toddler entertained on long car trips? 

“We sing, dance, have some cool toys and books. I refuse to sit my son in front of a DVD player seeing as I’m quite capable of entertaining him myself.” – TRISHA M., CASTLEGAR, B.C.

“My daughter entertains us more than we do her! She just lights up at everything she sees and has a great imagination. She’s starting to tell stories at the tender age of two-and-a-half!” – GENEVIEVE D., GATINEAU, QUE.

“Snacks, water, books, crayons and toys. And I prepare them for the trip. I always tell them in advance what we are doing. That is a real help.” – NAILAH A.

How did you handle your child’s first haircut?

“I was fine when she had her hair cut for the first time. Not as fine when she cut it herself for the first time.” – BRENDA B., GILBERT PLAINS, MAN.

“I took some pictures and saved her hair…. although I can’t remember where I put it.” – AMANDA K., PETERBOROUGH, ONT.

Should you change a diaper in public?

“I will change my kids wherever, whenever. I would also rather offend a few people then my baby deal with a diaper rash for a week.” – JENNIFER M.

“This is my problem: I have been changing diapers constantly for nine and a half years. I choose the path of least resistance.” – LAURA V., TORONTO

How do you deal with a picky eater? 

“When my daughter claims she ‘doesn’t like’ a food, we make her try it at least once and then she can decide. That’s the deal at our house. For my one year- old, we repeatedly put the foods she thinks she doesn’t like on her plate, and eventually she’ll try them….hopefully!” – MICHELLE M., TORONTO

“Our daughter is two and usually eats more during meal prep than at the table. She sits at the table with us with her tray of food, which is always the same as ours. If she doesn’t eat anything and/or fusses to get down, we let her. Toddlers will eat and ask for food if they are hungry.” – KENDRA D., PASADENA, NFLD.

Follow editor Amy Bielby’s toddler blog at

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