4 min Read
Toddler summer camps
February 28, 2013
4 min Read
February 28, 2013
Toddlers are highly-charged and have inquisitive young minds. These youngsters learn best through direct, hands-on experiences with people and objects, and their learning and development is enhanced by long-term, trusting relationships with caregivers. Toddlers need to have a variety of things to do as their short attention span requires.
So why not introduce them to summer camp? You might have been wondering: do summer camps for toddlers actually exist? The short answer to this question is they absolutely do!
In fact, the Our Kids’ database lists a number of toddler camps across Canada. However, this list is not exhaustive and, if you research the issue more thoroughly, you will probably find even more camps for toddlers. Many of these institutions will not allow kids below the age of two, but there is not a rigid recommended age, and it’s recommended that you consider your child’s maturity level, including their physical and emotional development, when choosing whether or not to send them to camp.
There are also specialty toddler camps that are geared toward children with Down syndrome, autism, or other behavioural issues.
As camps for toddlers are growing it popularity, they are also becoming more and more safe. Kid leashes, baby cot, baby helmets, and special beds are often required at these camps. Moreover, parents or caretakers sometimes attend camp with their child.
A local day camp run by a school is an excellent opportunity for your toddler. These organizations offer lots of games and activities to ensure that your child ‘s day is busy. He or she will probably sleep well after a day at camp!
Camps for toddlers will recognize your child’s growth, as Nicola Brandes, mother of Gabrielle who attended Richmond Hill Country Club Day Camp, explains. “They’re in tune with the children. I came to pick her up one day and I’m approached by two of her counselors, and they tell me Gabrielle is too advanced for that program. I actually started crying, ‘What, letting go from a baby camp to go into this big massive camp?’” Indeed, your toddler’s maturity, not age, may determine his or her designated social unit.
However, there are some things to consider before sending your child to camp. Most notably, if he or she does not have much experience with, or does not yet relate well to other children, camp may be overwhelming or scary. Furthermore, if your child associates the experience with early-life negativity, his or her opinion about camp may be difficult to change in the long-term. Wait until your child is ready to go to camp (talking to his or her pre-school instructor may help you identify this).
Still, summer camp for toddlers has many concrete benefits. Here are some of them:
Toddler summer camps was originally posted by Our Kids is Canada’s trusted source for information on private schools and summer camps.