3 min Read
Thoughts from Janice – Summer Fun
June 22, 2010
3 min Read
June 22, 2010
Across the country children are throwing their backpacks off in reckless abandon, stripping down to swimsuits and getting wet in pools, lakes and sprinklers.
Would you believe when I was in grade 8 we actually commandeered the school PA system to play Pink Floyd’s We Don’t Need No Education. It was a real John Hughes moment. Even the most dedicated students’ hearts sing at the thought of 62-plus days of summer.
But if you’re like me, that 62-plus day stretch is nothing less than panic-inducing. How will you avoid your children turning into mush without the structure the school year brings?
My husband and I both agree that our kids need a break from that structure, for sure, but after a couple of weeks, we sometimes find ourselves checking the calendar.
Between grandparents and camp, I’ve covered off almost half of the summer. For the other half of the summer, whether it’s family time or otherwise, I follow these summer survival tips.
Looking for more ways to celebrate summer? Look no further than the June/July issue of ParentsCanada on newsstands now. It includes:
Published in June 2010