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Next steps: Baby’s transition to toddlerhood

The phrase, “Don’t blink or you’ll miss it” is the perfect way to describe your baby’s transition to toddlerhood.

One moment, your little one is an infant who naps endlessly, and the next, you’re chasing your toddler through the house. With this rapid developmental growth (physical and behavioural), try to be prepared by staying one step ahead. Don’t wait until your child has outgrown their baby gear. Keep your home stocked with items for your child’s next stage.

One of the most important items to purchase early is a car seat. Infant carseats only last so long and it is unsafe to have your baby in a too-small seat. Do some research. Some carseats can hold a child up to 65 pounds, whereas others only go to 40 pounds (or less). It is also recommended to keep your little one in a rear-facing seat for as long as safely possible.

Here’s a list of must-haves for your growing child:

Outgrowing diapers can cause messes you definitely want to avoid. Have a box of next-size diapers available. You might be sorry if you don’t.

One day, your baby is swimming in a sleeper and the next, you’re having trouble doing up the buttons. Invest in some larger sleepers, onesies and t-shirts and keep them on hand, just in case.

Developmental toys
At first, an infant can be entertained by just about any random household item. But as they grow, babies need more mental stimulation. It’s always fun to pull out a new and exciting toy to play with.

Feeding accessories
Bottles and nipples are suited for specific stages. Keep your cupboards full of next-stage items. You might want to grab some sippy cups and toddler-friendly plates, bowls and utensils while you’re at it. And don’t forget the highchair.


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