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Three Edible Solutions To Help With Teething Pain

Three Edible Solutions To Help With Teething Pain - Parents Canada

Teething comes with a mixed bag of discomfort for little ones including pressure below the surface of the gums, pain when a tooth finally erupts, and rashes on cheeks and chins from excess drool. Add in interrupted sleep due to teething symptoms and, needless to say, this developmental stage can make for some pretty cranky kids (and exhausted parents!).

There is good news, though. First, teething doesn’t last forever. The symptoms come and go, and kids usually have the majority of their teeth by the time they turn three. Second, there are lots of things you can do to help—including giving them yummy treats they’ll love. Read on for three edible ways to help with teething pressure and pain.

1. Frozen fruit can be a lifesaver. 

Offering your little one safe things to chew is essential when it comes to teething. When they clamp down on the item, it pushes back on the gums, which eases the pressure they feel. Frozen fruit is a great solution for kids who have started solids because, in addition to being firm, it’s also cold, which feels nice on inflamed gums. Strawberries and peaches are excellent options, but be sure to always keep an eye on your baby while they’re mowing down; even very large and easy-to-grasp chunks can pose hazards. Note: This can get messy because the fruit eventually melts and gets soggy. Strip your little one down to their diaper and do a frozen-fruit session just before bath time.

2. Make popsicles with healthy ingredients.  

Smoothies are a great way to get extra nutrients into kids of all ages, but they do double-duty for teething babies when frozen into popsicle molds. The cold offers relief for angry gums, and you can easily add ingredients to the blender to get more good stuff into them. Throw a handful of kale or spinach into a berry smoothie, or try avocado in a green smoothie with apple and banana. Have your little one enjoy a popsicle in their high chair, though; it can get messy, plus a little one toddling around with a popsicle mold handle in their mouth isn’t the best idea.

3. Try a fresh-food feeder.

If you’ve ever wondered what those little net-like things in the baby aisle are for, they’re basically teething magic. You add something cold or frozen to the mesh pocket, snap it close and hand it over to a teething babe. The cold helps to address swelling, while the textured of the netting helps to soothe sore and aching gums. Biting down also helps to ease the oral pressure that comes with cutting teeth. Frozen grapes work well because they hold up better against chewing than berries, but you can also try freezing a smoothie mixture into ice cube molds. In a pinch, an ice cube works fine, too.