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Fertility Connections: Supporting women trying to conceive

We are thrilled to announce a new and amazing program that really speaks to our corporate core values. We want to connect and support all women out there with our programs. Over the last four years, we have grown to include a large team of Mommy Connections women. We have had babies, miscarriages, infertility and other struggles, along the way and we want to do our best to support as many women as we can. We know that our new program, Fertility Connections, will do just that!  

Here is a post from my West Toronto Director, Karen Davey, who has created the new and amazing program, in partnership with Mommies Know Best. Our first six-week pilot program will begin in Toronto on April 17 and will soon be available across Canada.

As the old saying goes, “If I had a nickel for every time…” someone asked me if I’d like to have another baby, I’d be a very rich woman! It’s a very logical question, given the nature of my business. It was also something that I just assumed would happen naturally, once I was ready.

After conceiving my first son extremely quickly and having a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery, I just assumed baby number two would be just as easy. Like most couples, when we started trying for baby number two it wasn’t something that I talked about with others. However, as time went by and the process became to take a toll on me mentally and emotionally, I really wished I had reached out to a support group. Fertility is about so much more than just your body functioning physically, your emotional and mental well-being play a huge component. I have been lucky enough to find exceptional care, both from a holistic perspective with Dr Jodie Peacock at The Root Of Health and Dr Del Valle at ReproMed

What I realized I had been missing, was a safe and supportive place where I can talk about the emotional challenges of this journey with other women who are experiencing the same thing. Even if you are lucky enough to have a supportive network of friends and family, it’s sometimes hard to open up to them (especially when they seem to be popping out babies with ease!)

I know that I am not alone in my journey and I see a real need in our community for a program where women can access the best professional care, as well as the support of their peers. 

I first met Clarinda from Mommies Knows Best for what we had planned on being just a short coffee to discuss our businesses and how we could help each other. Three hours later we were still chatting about our families, our struggles and how important it is for women to support each other. Clarinda’s warmth and positive energy bring out the best in people, as evidenced by her work as a professional Psychotherapist. As I shared my struggle with fertility, we started to brainstorm ways we could leverage our businesses to help our community. With the professional connections that I’ve established via Mommy Connections, Clarinda’s professional training and experience facilitating woman’s groups, the idea of Fertility Connections was born (no pun intended!)

We are proud to launch a six-week program for women trying to get pregnant or looking for a support group on their journey through trying to have a baby.

This program will offer a variety of methods, options and information on everything you need to know about trying to conceive, while providing a private and confidential space to share your stories, anxieties and feelings around your fertility journey. We will bring in experts to discuss nutrition, holistic and medical approaches to fertility and a psychotherapist that will help make sense of the emotional journey.

Each week at the end of our talks we will provide a 30-minute yoga session instructed by our yoga instructor to help relax and stay connected to our bodies and mind. Yoga is optional.

Week 1:  Let’s talk. An opportunity to meet the women in the group, discuss some of the fears and anxieties around having a baby and the journey to conceive. 

Week 2: Nutrition. You are what you eat. What you eat affects everything from your blood to your cells to your hormones. Eating right is an important part of your fertility. Our nutrition expert will focus on food that will help keep you healthy and the foods we should be avoiding. 

Week 3: Holistic approaches to fertility. Our holistic expert will discuss holistic methods and treatments available. What are some non-medical options to consider before scheduling your first appointment at the fertility clinic.

Week 4: The medical side. A fertility expert will discuss the medical options available in Canada. We will focus on the stages of fertility, what to expect, treatment side effects and how to cope with them

Week 5: Support. This week we will talk about the support systems we have in place during our journey. Discuss how relationships can be affected during this time and discuss the possible outcomes, including how to deal with loss.

Week 6: Plan of action. We will discuss all that we have learned, and create a plan for how your next year will look. 

Learn more about the pilot program.

This program has been created in partnership with Mommies Know Best in Toronto!

a man carrying two children

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