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Top baby names of 2012

It’s almost time to ring in the New Year, which is a great time to look back at 2012 and the trends that unfolded. This past year wouldn’t have been the same without 50 Shades Of Grey and a new style of dance, Gangnam!

You may have seen the list of the top baby names of 2012 as published by Baby Center. 

Here are the top 3:


  1. Aiden
  2. Jackson
  3. Ethan


  1. Sophia
  2. Emma
  3. Olivia

After reading the list, I was prompted to look at the names of the over 200 babies who have come through my Mommy Connections West Toronto classes. Surprisingly, the top three names were completely different! What were our top 3?


  1. James
  2. Owen
  3. Henry


  1. Riley
  2. Grace
  3. Charlotte

Did your little one’s name make the list?

a man carrying two children

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