Family Life


6 min Read

25 Quick-Fire Questions with Cat & Nat

With seven kids between them, Cat & Nat know just how lonely and isolating motherhood can be, so they made it their mission to bring women and moms together. Their rapidly-exploding community of like-minded mamas tune in every day to watch them rewrite the paradigm of “the perfect mom.” With honesty and humor, Cat & Nat dismantle the unrealistic portrayals of motherhood that are often presented on both social and traditional media.

With the purpose of supporting, uniting and celebrating women from all walks of life, Cat & Nat shine a witty light on some of the hardest topics in motherhood by delivering real, raw, uncensored content to women and moms from all around the world.

What is your idea of the perfect day?

If it’s with kids, we love to start the day with a Starbucks coffee. We have morphed over the years to have the exact same order to make life easier. We walk the dogs and let the seven kids play while we do work, make lunch, feed kids and chat. Once the husbands are done with work, they join us for cocktails and dinner. It usually ends in a dance party, and Nat has to leave her car at Cat’s and take an Uber minivan home.

Why did you choose your career?

To be honest, this career found us. When we wanted to reach out and share our journey as moms and women, it was at the exact time that video content, social media and influencers creating brands was becoming a thing. All we have ever wanted to do is connect with women and mothers around the world and create a community where we all had a judgement-free platform to share, encourage and inspire each other. All of this is what led us to where we are today.

What do you love most about what you do in your job?

The best part is working every day with your best friend. Next to that is being able to connect with women all over the world. When we meet them, whether it’s on our North American tour, running into them on the street or connecting through social media, we love hearing about how the community we have created has helped them through motherhood or inspired their journey.

What has been the hardest part of building your career?

There have been challenges and learning curves along the way, but when it gets “hard,” that’s when our creativity starts flowing. When we hear the word “no,” it doesn’t discourage us; if we know it’s a great idea, we will make it a yes.

Who was/is your mentor?

Each other, and our mothers, Sharon and Gisele. We are four women who can overcome challenges and find the fun.

Who is your favourite Canadian?

There are so many amazing people who come from Canada. We talk about that all the time. There’s so much talent but also so many supportive women who have encouraged us along the way. We can’t name just one—we are forever grateful for each woman on top who opened doors for us, and they know who they are.

What do you wish you made more time in your life for?


Is there anything you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet?

So many things, but we will get to them in time.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

Each other, our Mark/Marc (yes, our husbands have the same name—just a different spelling for each), our children, our family, travel, food and fun.

When and where were you happiest?

On vacation with both families and our mothers in Florida.

Which talent would you most like to have?

Nat: Singing and dancing.

Cat: Dancing and singing.

Who are your heroes in real life? 

Single moms. We had them and we know how hard it is to be a parent with a partner, so single moms are incredible.

Most watched movie with the family?

Home Alone.

What do you always have in your fridge?

Tons of vegetables, pickles, fruit, hot sauce and wine.

How would you describe yourself as a parent?

Intentional, interested, curious and fun.

What is your parenting superpower?

The ability to not sweat the small stuff and understand what work needs to be done. We have learned so much from the parenting community we have created, The Common Parent, full of experts, advice and other moms in need of support.

What is your favourite memory of your own parents?

Nat: Knowing my mom had her hands full but still watching her laugh and having a good time with her own friends.

Cat: Great quote, Nat, I feel exactly the same.

What’s something you wish you could tell all parents everywhere?

You are doing the best you can, and that is absolutely more than enough.

What do you love most about being a parent, and what do you dislike most? 

We love that we have created our own team and watched them grow into independent people. Helping them to become competent and resilient is our job, so when we see it happening, it brings so much joy.

We dislike making lunch.

What has surprised you most about being a parent that you weren’t expecting?

It’s hard in so many different ways. It can stress you out more than anything, but it can also bring more joy and pride than anything else.

Favourite family vacation and why?

We love renting a house with a pool near the beach that fits us all in a small town in Florida. It’s simple, we ride around in golf carts, have every meal together, relax and have fun.

What one trait or value are you most trying to instil in your children?

We hope that by leading by example, kindness will transcend with independence and resilience. This is what will take them successfully through life.

What one trait are you hoping to avoid?

Selfishness and being inconsiderate.

Favourite family summer activity?

Swimming in lakes, oceans and pools. Water makes them all happy.

Favourite family winter activity?

Winter is a less loved season for the two of us, but the kids love it all — skating, skiing, sledding.


Instagram: @catandnat

Twitter: @catandnat

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