Family Life


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4 Father’s Day traditions for every type of dad

Father reads handmade card from his son for Father's Day

Father’s Day has become synonymous with gifts, grilling and artisanal swag, often with a rich mahogany. But once you’re done wrapping Your Father’s Day gift and signing your card, have a think about what to do with Dad on his special day. Whether the dad in your life is a fan of the outdoors or loves to barbecue, try out these new Father’s Day traditions instead of making dinner reservations.

Take him to the great outdoors

If your partner loves to spend his day in the wilderness, surprise him with a trip. Take the family camping for the weekend. You can spend the day hiking through the woods and looking at the scenery. If you’re both active, rent bikes and take on challenging bike trails together.

If your partner loves to fish, take him on a fishing trip and spend the day swapping stories. Check out your provincial government’s website about how to get a fishing licence.

End the night by cooking fish over the campfire for dinner. It is sure to bring up countless childhood memories.

Fire up the grill

OK, this one is expected, but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea: Grill some steaks during a Father’s Day barbeque in the backyard. It brings the entire family together while avoiding the fuss of a formal dinner. Enjoy a laid-back atmosphere while showing appreciation for the father figures in your life.

Organize a few outdoor games to keep the kids entertained, while the adults catch up on the patio.

Keep the menu simple with burgers, hot dogs and grilled vegetables. Worried about not having enough food? Organize a potluck for side dishes.

Start a DIY project

If Dad’s toolbox is his best friend, spend the day working on a home renovation project together. Take the day to fix the garage door, the leaky faucet or finish a repair that he hasn’t had time to do.

Spend the day reminiscing about the past and at the same time, you’ll get some handy work done.

Keep it simple

If his idea of a perfect day is relaxing at home, he probably doesn’t want to go camping or fishing.

Try hosting a movie or television marathon dedicated to his favourite movies or television shows. Replicate the movie experience by playing movies in surround sound or munching on snacks like popcorn, nachos and candy.

End the perfect, lazy day with a surprise family dinner with his favourite meal and dessert.

Summer is finally here, so there are tons of options available. Consider what your dad likes and use your imagination. As long as you spend the day together with the family, dad will feel appreciated.

Have other ideas? We’d love to hear your traditions. Write to us on Facebook or Instagram

A version of this article was originally published in 2012. Updated in 2024. 

a man carrying two children

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