Family Life


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Actress Sarah Allen chats about being a first-time mom

Sarah Allen plays a nurse and a new mom on Global TV’s hit hospital drama Remedy. Soon she won’t have to act the part of a new mom. On the verge of having her first baby, she shares with ParentsCanada her challenges of sticking to the pregnancy rules.

“I really was excited when my belly popped – yay, I look pregnant now! I really embraced leggings that go way over the belly with long, stretchy tank tops I found at Forever 21 for $4 apiece. I wear them every day layered under everything. I feel like the layers hold me in and smooth everything out!

“Over the winter all I wanted to do was sit in the sauna or hot tub. Oddly the one rule I keep on breaking is eating runny eggs. I can’t seem to get away from fried eggs, I don’t know why! I was never a heavy drinker before, but I certainly enjoyed a glass of wine and that has all faded away during pregnancy. Though I am really excited about the day I can go for a night date with my boyfriend and share a bottle of wine with him…and some raw oysters.

“I’ve never been afraid of hospitals – which is lucky, since I work on a hospital show – so I envisioned that’s where we’d have the baby. At prenatal classes a lot of my ideas about what it would be like were challenged. I realized that the process was a lot slower than I imagined, and the thought of being in the hospital for 30 hours didn’t sound quite right to me. We’re going to try for a home birth, but if at any point we decide we need to go to the hospital I won’t feel like I failed.”

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, June 2015.

a man carrying two children

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