
2 min Read

Comedian Jessica Holmes shares how she’s learning to put herself first

When she’s not at home laughing with her kids, tweeting or
writing in her “funny journal,” where she records inspiring, funny
moments, she’s on the road using her brand of humour to inspire
Canadians. Like other moms, she often puts herself last on her
priority list. Here’s how she is learning to put herself first.

“We moms make sure our kids get exercise and healthy food, but we don’t make ourselves a priority. It
puts us at risk for heart disease and stroke – a leading cause of death in women. I walk my kids to school,
take the stairs and do squats with my kids on my back. I even joined a mom’s basketball league and I make
sure to incorporate more vegetables and lean protein into our meals. We even have Meatless Mondays at
home so we have a chance to try veggies in new ways. I also do things to make us laugh, like having “regifting
parties” with my kids to teach them that we can fi nd ways to laugh even when we are disappointed.
Now, my energy is higher, my heart rate is where it should be and I feel healthier and happier. I want other
moms to put themselves fi rst, too. The best thing we can do for our kids is be alive.” – As told to Erin Dym

Visit Jessica at jessicaholmes.com. You can also learn more
about her heart-health crusade at becel.ca/encourageamom.

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, July 2013.

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