Family Life
2 min Read
Egg shell head sprouts
April 16, 2014
Family Life
2 min Read
April 16, 2014
Teach your children about easy gardening with these egg shell head sprouts.
egg shells
self-adhesive foam
two sizes of round
hole punches
cat grass seeds
(available from pet
stores) or wheat grass
seeds (available from
health food stores)
1. Carefully break off the
top of the narrower end
of an egg and empty out
the insides over a bowl.
2. Gently break away
the edges to make the
opening wider, leaving
about two-thirds of the
egg in tact. Wash out the
egg with warm water
and let dry.
3. With two different-sized
hole punches, cut out
pieces from several
colours of self-adhesive
foam sheets to make
eyes, eyebrows, ears, a
nose and mouth for the
face of your egg head.
4. Peel off the backing of
the punched-out pieces
and place them on the
front of the eggshell to
make the face.
5. Once you have the
face finished, put the
egg shell in an egg cup
and fill the eggshell
about halfway up with
grass seeds. Follow the
watering instructions on
the package and you’ll
see “hair” sprouting in a
couple of days. Your egg
head will likely need a
haircut within a week.
Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, April 2013.