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Jessica Alba on eco-parenting


Jessica Alba has two 

girls, five and two, an acting career and a successful book. She’s one busy mom! Now, with the Canadian launch of The Honest Co., she’s bringing her eco-brand North. Here’s how Jessica teamed up with former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, Christopher Gavigan, to live life “honestly”.


“When I was pregnant with Honor I had an allergic reaction to a baby detergent my mom had used on me as a child. When I looked at the ingredients list I discovered that a lot of those ingredients were actually petro-chemicals. 

I continued researching and found that the product my mom used on me may have had the same name, but was a completely different product because 8,000 chemicals have been introduced into the marketplace since then.

When I came across Christopher’s book Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home I knew he was someone I wanted to work with. There was a hole in the marketplace for a truly natural and organic brand with products that not only have great ingredients, but ingredients that actually work. Together we decided that if someone needed to fill that hole it should be us and The Honest Company was born.”

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, February 2014.

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