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Lauren Holly on keeping her kids healthy

With three boys ages 11, 12 and 13, Motive star and Toronto resident Lauren Holly certainly has her hands full. Whether it’s attacking colds or catching snakes, keeping Alexander, George and Henry healthy is priority number one.

From October to March, my whole goal is to keep all three kids in school. I guess it’s just when the germs come. My two things when my kids are sick are the neti pot and oil of oregano. I don’t recommend the pure oil form; it’s the most vile, horrible stuff ever. When I first found out about it, that’s the only way I could find it, and I would put a couple drops in a shot of orange juice. But now we’ve found soft gel pills. And starting in October, I literally give the kids one every day. They don’t mind the pill that much, but with the neti pot, they can get annoyed.

As far as accidents go, my youngest is a crazy person. This past spring, he had a pretty horrific accident while he was playing, where he cut his leg open. I actually had to create a tourniquet and drive him to the hospital like that. And the only way they could fi x him was with staples. When my kids get injured, I’m methodical and calm. But if I wasn’t the mom, I’d probably pass out or throw up. But it’s strange when it’s your child. I just jumped right in. This one time, I actually caught a rattlesnake in my backyard in Los Angeles. To this day, the kids still tell people. I was like a superhero. But I could never do something like that if it wasn’t threatening my kids.

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, February 2014.

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