Family Life


1 min Read

ParentsCanada’s 2012 toy guide

ParentsCanada transformed an empty room into a fantasy playland for kids at SickKids Hospital on July 26. Our team brought a truckload of toys – nearly 200 in all – to the hospital for kids to test. The kids got right to work, testing each toy and providing us with feedback on which toys they loved and which they loved even more. Though some of the kids couldn’t talk or were hooked up to machines, we noted every smile, excited shout and how long they spent playing with it. We spoke to their parents, too, about which toys they thought made the grade. At the end, every child got to keep their favourite toy. Whatever your child’s interest, these toys will give your toddler-, preschool or school-aged child days of fun.

All photos by Lise Varrette

 Toy guide: Toddlers Toy guide: Preschool Toy guide: School

Check out our gallery of little toy testers!

a man carrying two children

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