Family Life


2 min Read

Web-savvy family: The device divide

My phone is never far from me. I’m sure you can relate. I have one device for work and play and I think I’m like most parents.

Now I must plead guilty …I’m one of the people that’s handed my phone to my child so I could eat a meal in peace and have some adult conversation.

The latest Norton Report, found that 30 per cent of parents globally are letting their kids play, download apps or shop on work devices. While I just let my tween daughter send a text to her dad and look at pictures from time to time, I still hand her my phone.

Although our kids are often more digitally savvy than us, they may be downloading apps, playing games or clicking links that can make the information on our devices vulnerable.

The use of a double duty device is becoming more and more popular, with 37 per cent of working Canadians using one mobile device for professional and personal life. We are using our work devices to access and send personal emails (40 per cent), store personal information (17 per cent), and access social networks (23 per cent).  As these stats reveal, our devices are being used to share updates and materials that may include private or confidential research, data, contacts, etc. and we should be taking all steps to keep this info safe.

For any parent, convenience can be very appealing, but we need to think of the safety risks of our actions when it comes to our digital lives. Take these steps today to feel a little more at ease!

  • Use security software on all mobile devices
  • Speak with your kids about the importance of asking permission to use your device – specifically when downloading an app, using a social network or clicking a link
  • Use complex and unique passwords for all your accounts
  • Log out of accounts when you are done to prevent others from gaining access

Courtesy of Lynn Hargrove, Director of Consumer Solutions for Symantec Canada

a man carrying two children

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