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7 ways to turn dinner leftovers into breakfast

7 Ways To Turn Dinner Leftovers Into Breakfast - Parents Canada

Leftover potatoes, veggies and pasta? Let them live beyond dinner. Out of the fridge and onto the breakfast table, here are our fave ways to turn last night’s dinner into today’s most important meal of the day.


Try adding 1-2 cups of cooked spaghetti (or other pasta, with or without sauce) to your favourite omelette or frittata recipe. Serve with extra sauce for dipping.


These aren’t just for lunchtime hoagies. Slice leftover meatballs in half and serve warmed on toast or an English muffin with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. You just made mini pizzas. And, yes, pizza is a breakfast food, see below.


Maybe this one is a no-brainer, but we consider pizza for breakfast one of the great joys in life. Serve a slice cold and cut into soldiers, serve with a side of fruit or veggies. Did you just get dubbed the Best Parent Ever?! Yeah, you did.


There’s nothing wrong with a little fried rice in the morning. Lightly sauté leftovers with a splash of soy sauce, some green onions, if you have it, and scrambled egg. Fried egg on top also fits the bill. You’re the chef.


The magical fruit is perfect tucked into a breakfast burrito. Scramble some eggs, add refried beans (or whatever you have), some veg and cheese into a tortilla. Voila. If you don’t have an egg-liker on your hands, forgo it and have a regular burrito. #youdoyou

Roasted veggies

OK, we admit that this one is a bit of a stretch, because not every kid wants to get down with veg (as if they don’t like that caramelized-sweet roasted carrot, what’s wrong with them?!), but chop ’em up and add to an omelette or frittata.

Waffle it

If you’ve got leftover mashed potatoes or stuffing, throw it in the waffle iron and voila, the best savoury breakfast around. Serve it alongside some scrambled eggs.

Originally published in the Fall 2018 issue.

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