

2 min Read

Cream Scones

When I have cream in my fridge that’s starting to go south, I turn them into a batch of scones. Dairy products are among the most often tossed of the food we buy that goes to waste—and most of it makes a pretty fine scone. Milk, yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk—they’re all great for baking, and they’re often interchangeable. But I love these super simple scones made with heavy cream. There’s no butter, which makes them easy to stir, pat and bake, but you’ll never miss it.

3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups heavy (whipping) cream
extra cream or milk, for brushing (optional)

  1. Preheat the oven to 400F.

2. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. If you like, add a handful of grated sharp cheese, some fresh or frozen berries, chocolate chunks or other additions. Add the cream and stir just until the dough comes together. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough a few times, then pat into a circle about an inch thick.

3. Cut into wedges and transfer onto a parchment-lined baking sheet; if you like, brush the tops with milk or extra cream and sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until golden. Serve warm.


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