Like diapers and wipes, Nursery Water is a quintessential baby essential. Specially designed for infants and toddlers, Nursery Water is the brand that grows along with baby’s needs. Mix it with formula, stir it into cereal and use it to dilute juices. Keep your toddler hydrated with straight-up Nursery Water. Complete peace of mind and total convenience.

Nursery Water: Mix It, Drink It, Love it

Nursery Water – Reviewed By Parents Just Like You

This is what our parent testers thought of Nursery Water.

Nursery Water

Trusted by parents for over 70 years, this isn't just any regular water. Purified using steam distillation, this process removes impurities in the water....

Nursery Water: Making Life Easier For New Parents

Every parent of small children has the same answer when asked how things are going—“Busy.” This is the shortcut frazzled parents need. - Sponsored

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