4 min Read
Preschool years: How to teach pre-literacy skills at home
August 20, 2012
4 min Read
August 20, 2012
Curious and energetic by nature, toddlers embrace everything around them with open arms. These are years of rapid physical as well as mental development, with children expressing an intense interest in the physical world. They are budding scientists and artists exploring the law of gravity or the wonder of colours and shapes, discovering a world beyond Mommy and Daddy.
The environment and daily routines in your home can be one of the best teaching tools to help children develop pre-reading skills. A print-rich environment helps foster skills needed for reading. By surrounding your children with print in your home and talking to them about what it means, they will learn more every day.
They will begin to discover cues and understand that the words they see in print and the words they speak and hear are related. They will begin to learn that print can carry a meaning, and that there are many different ways to communicate.
A print-rich environment also ignites an interest in writing. Kids want to model what they see around them and communicate in written form. If they also see you modeling reading and writing during your daily activities, they will want to try to communicate this way, too.
Ordinary household routines and activities can be used as learning experiences for kids. Below are some simple and fun ways to make your home a print-rich environment, and incorporate print into daily routines:
When kids are in an environment that has labels, signs and charts, they will be exposed to letters, words and numbers early and make connections between the letters and the functions they serve, thus developing their pre-literacy skills. Try these suggestions in your home, and have fun!
Preschool years: How to teach pre-literacy skills at home
was originally posted by Our Kids is Canada’s trusted source for information on private schools and summer camps.