

3 min Read

The Family Sized Blender lineup

You’re going to need some sort of chart to follow along. 

Six kids. Two parents. A couple of cats. That’s what we have at home. There are actually four other families (legacy moms and dads) we deal with. Don’t worry about them for now. 

We need to focus on the eight of us, which is actually never eight of us. One is off at university, so he’s in the role of special guest star. Another is off with his other family for much of the time. And one of the girls is with mom for just short of half the week. On any given day, we’ve got five, six or seven under one roof.

Your lineup:


Thirty something. Got the great idea that she still wanted to change the world, so took on the task of getting into one of Canada’s most prestigious law schools while a solo mom of three. She did it and is set for graduation (and articling) over the next few months. Big on ensuring the kids are educated, well fed and ready for the day.


41 and not quite sure how I made it this far. A writer and photographer (check out my blog Frame One!), I’m best at building systems for us all to follow. Systems (and process) as you’ll see, are integral to keeping our sanity. Also, I like gadgets a little too much for my own good. 

The Fully-Formed

Twenty and dominating in second year university. Great head on his shoulders. He’ll pop into our story from time-to-time.

The Leader-in-Training (LIT)

13 going on 33. Driven, wise and vegetarian – I’d put my life in her hands in a second. Becomes a teenager next week. It’ll be interesting to see how she grows. Current passions: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, musicals.

The Jester

Eleven-years-old. Minecraft/LEGO fiend. It’s startling to imagine he’s only eighteen-months younger than the LIT. Sometimes it seems like light years in emotional development, but he’s starting to find his feet.

The Bloodhound

Seven. Has an uncanny ability to find your keys, phone, or old toy that you tossed in the garbage. An optimist and young violinist. Struggling with reading and writing.

The Advocate

The most articulate six-year-old I’ve ever seen. Argues with the passion and precision of his mother. Recently had heart surgery. Opens most conversations with that (like I said, smart kid).


Two-years-old and growing. Can already see an extraordinary capacity for joy – and unquenchable thirst for engagement. Of the six kids we’ve seen, easily the busiest and most destructive. Hilarious.

That’s us – eight strong. Now, wait until I tell you about the impossible birthday situation.

a man carrying two children

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