
2 min Read

Feel good at Fully Alive Wellness Centre in Oakville

One of my absolute favourite benefits covered under most company insurance and benefits plans is the glorious line item: Massage. But how many people actually make a point to take advantage of this benefit?

It’s often lost in the standard ones you think of, including pharmaceutical, dental and eye care. I, for one, am a proud user of this wonderful benefit. I often remind my husband he should go for himself; I tell friends and family that for any birthday or Christmas gift, think of a massage before clothes, books or knick-knacks.

With a rapidly growing number of spas and clinics offering massage services, it can be daunting to find your perfect match. After all, similar to your hair stylist, once you’ve found one you love you’re a repeat client.

I invite you to consider Fully Alive Wellness Centre located at 407 Speers Road in Oakville, Ont.

Manager, Nicole Nifo has talked about infant massage at several of my Mommy Connections Mom & Baby classes and is also a featured speaker at many Toronto-based classes as well. My class participants consistently rate her presentation as one of their favourites and it’s obvious to tell she loves her job and helping people.

Nicole has been practicing as a registered massage therapist since 2005. She has extensive massage therapy training in working with obstetric and paediatric patients, including babies, kids who have experienced trauma and special needs children.

Fully Alive Wellness Centre is a family-focused health clinic providing massage therapy, homeopathy, reiki, acupuncture, reflexology, nutrition, psychotherapy and life coaching.

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