5 min Read
Welcome To Sweet Deals
September 6, 2012
5 min Read
September 6, 2012
Who ever thought a blog would be so difficult to start? I certainly didn’t, but like everything in life if you want to get it done you just have to make time….nothing is impossible. Right?
Finding time has always been my problem but this certainly has not been a problem for me as of late. My wife and (almost) 2-year-old daughter are off in Seattle visiting my in-laws, so for the last week it’s been back to bachelor life for me. At first I thought, “GREAT all this time alone, all this time to get things done!” Some were things my wife wanted me to do and some things I wanted to do…you can probably guess from my list which is which:
1. Clean up the backyard
2. Fix the light fixture on the porch
3. Take car in for service
4. Install some sort of organizing device for daughter’s toys in basement
5. Organize Shed
6. Meet up with friends
7. Go to buddy’s cottage in Muskoka
8. Write my first blog post
Now a week has gone by and the backyard is still a mess, the light fixture is still broken, I’ve only managed to see one friend and the blog post for the most part is not completed. I still have one more weekend…I will make time.
Hi, my name is Adam Henechowicz and I am one of the founders of ParentsCanada Sweet Deals (PCSD). Since we launched PCSD back in November 2011, we have been talking about engaging our audience on many levels with the ultimate goal of bringing you the best parent-focused deals. I hope this blog will help add some insight as to where we are coming from and where we are going. I always liked the saying “If you don’t know where you come from you won’t know where you’re going.” -Words to live by! I also hope you’ll continue the conversation – let us know what’s on your mind and your ideas for continuing our journey.
So I want to tell you all a little bit about myself. I am about to celebrate my 34th birthday. I have a beautiful and loving wife, my daughter is approaching her 2nd birthday and I couldn’t be more in love. I have a sister whose daughter is exactly a week older than my daughter (no we did not plan it!) whom I adore and a brother who is in school in the U.S. My parents are two of the most caring and loving people I know. My in-laws are decent too 😉
Being a parent is new to me and one of the earliest things I learned when Edyn was born was that being a parent is not cheap. Diapers, formula, car seats, high chairs, programs, etc….wow did things add up fast. I had an idea of what the costs would be but nothing could prepare me for it. The thing is, I want my daughter to have everything, and this is essentially how Sweet Deals was born. ParentsCanada wanted to offer their readers/viewers an outlet for deals and we wanted an audience. So the marriage was officiated. If we could find deals for ourselves than we could find deals for everybody.
Over the last 9 months we have featured more than 150 deals from more than 100 merchants across Canada and we plan to keep the deals coming every day. I’ve even found a few deals (okay, more than a few) that I’ve purchased for my daughter. I especially like the deals for music as my daughter just loves singing and hearing her name in songs! We know that every deal doesn’t cater to every parent but our team is doing our best to find a wide range of products and services to keep you all interested and engaged. If you have any suggestions, please send them our way or if you are a merchant that wants to be featured please email me directly at adamh@parentscanada.com.
Until next time,
My To Do List at posting time:
1. Clean up the backyard – 3/4 Done
2. Fix the light fixture on the porch – Not even close, time to call the electrician
3. Take car in for service – Done
4. Install some sort of organizing device for daughter’s toys in basement – Done but my wife won’t like it
5. Organize the shed – The never-ending disaster
6. Meet up with friends – Met up with two friends
7. Go to buddy’s cottage in Muskoka – My first priority and yes it’s done
8. Write my first blog post – Done