2 min Read
Cereal: Quick breakfast tips
November 1, 2012
2 min Read
November 1, 2012
A recent poll conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Breakfast Cereals Canada (BCC) revealed that six
in 10 Canadian moms and dads reported the tasks associated with getting their families out the door make
mornings the most stressful time of day. Between making sure Tyrell has his gym clothes, Emma has
her library books and the baby is relatively presentable, you’re lucky if your brood can choke down a
Pop-Tart in the car on the way to school – let alone have a bowl of cereal at the table.
According to the poll, it can
take families 77 minutes from
the time they get up until
they’re out the door. Skipping
breakfast leads to more than
just hunger – 64 percent of
parents polled say it made
them feel guilty, too.
BCC, which represents the
four leading manufacturers
of breakfast cereals in Canada,
has come up with some
cereal-related ideas to conquer
morning stress and guilt.
The Morning Crunch “Thrive
Guide” recommends:
Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, November 2012.