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Turkey gravy

Turkey Gravy

Responsible for a Thanksgiving feast? Check out our Step-by-step guide to your Thanksgiving meal.

You’re almost at the finish line. The turkey will need a few minutes to rest, and you’ll need the crispy bits and drippings from the bottom of the pan. Measurements here will depend largely on how much you have left over from the bird; adjust quantities accordingly.


3 tbsp (45 ml) reserved turkey fat (or olive or canola oil)
3 tbsp (45 ml) flour
3 cups (750 ml) reserved juices (from the pan) and/or chicken stock


1. Remove as much fat as you can from the pan juices and set it aside. Drain the juices into another container. Place the roasting pan or another saucepan over medium-high heat while the turkey is resting.

2. Add the reserved turkey fat (or use olive or canola oil) to the pan, whisk in the flour and cook the mixture, whisking constantly and scraping up any flavourful browned bits that have stuck to the bottom of the pan, until it’s thick and smooth. Whisk in the reserved juices plus enough chicken stock to make about 3 cups and cook, whisking constantly, until the gravy bubbles and thickens.

3. Whisk in a little more stock (or wine) if it’s too thick; if it’s too thin, simmer until it reduces to your liking. Season with salt and pepper.

Originally published in ParentsCanada magazine, October 2012.

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